Real-life incidents similar to our thriller
Woman Kills Her Mother Inspired by
Breaking Bad
Kuntal Patel had often fantasised about
killing her mother after she had been forbidden her to marry her boyfriend Niraj. She
had then contacted a poison dealer on the dark web and claimed that she needed
a deadly toxin to get her mother out of the way. When the poison arrived, she
claimed it was simply supposed to knock her out but it ended up killing her.
She did all this because she felt like she was a Mexican drug warlord similar
to the main characters of the television series Breaking Bad. Currently, she is
saying that she had nothing to do with it and the only reason that she was
doing it was to fulfil her fantasies. This relates to our thriller because the
main antagonist Sebastian Giles is using a toxin to get Sean Finch to do what
he wants which in this case is forcing him to kill the people on his list.
Russian Spy Killed by Poison Umbrella
On September 7th 1918, Russian Spy Georgi
Markov was stabbed on his back thigh with a poison umbrella, which at that
point was no more painful than an insect bite. However as time progressed, the
area that was stabbed was clearly showing a bruise and it was continuing to get
larger. Over the course of the following week he became progressively sicker
until he eventually died on September 11th 1918. This incident relates to our
thriller because Sean Finch has also been injected with a toxin that is set to
kill him extremely painfully in 36 hours and what happened with Markov is that
he had also died a painful death as a result of a toxin being injected into his
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