Wednesday 16 December 2015

New narrative

After looking at the music video and showing it to a focus group, we realised that the narrative was quite hard to understand as there still weren't enough shots of Ben to demonstrate his role in his and Zoe's relationship. The shots of Zoe and Ben in Wembley didn't seem that interesting to our teacher and various other people who saw it, and so even if we added these clips to the music video to create more shots of Ben, it may still end up confusing the audience which we don't want in an indie artists' debut music video. Therefore, we will remove all the shots of Ben to eliminate this confusion and change the narrative to Jay and Zoe thinking about their past relationship together when they used to be happy. Although this narrative is more simple, this simplicity can relate to the indie genre as the narratives of indie videos don't tend to be very convoluted.

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