Friday 5 December 2014

How Charles Augustus Magnussen from ‘Sherlock’ relates to our character Sebastian Giles

Charles Augustus Magnussen is a rich businessman who has information on everyone which he uses to threaten people into doing his bidding. He is cold, calculating, and conceited with a harsh dismissal of solicitude, while also possessing an extraordinary intellect. Magnussen is very cruel and manipulative, not caring about the feelings of others except for when they serve his purposes for his advantage. Additionally, he has a highly eidetic memory which he utilises to store incriminating data on important people. This is in order to deduce the pressure-points of individuals so he can exploit their weaknesses and blackmail them into submission.

Magnussen from ‘Sherlock’ relates to our character Sebastian Giles because Sebastian is also a sinister rich man who is using blackmail to get what he wants. He, like Magnussen, has great intelligence which allows him to think of and carry out barbaric methods of gaining control.

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