Tuesday 9 December 2014

Script for our thriller

The script consists of our ideas and will help us when storyboarding. The script will also help when filming as it gives us a guideline and has helped us bring the whole story of our thriller together. This is a working script, however we believe we will stick to it. We may change the script a little when coming to editing if necessary. This script also shows our intentions with stage directions additionally included in our opening scene.

Scene starts, alley way, slow pan over man lying on the ground. Cut to close medium shot as he sits up, frowns and rubs his head.

Sean:*Sitting up and rubbing head*

*Phone rings*


*Picks up phone*



“Sean Finch - “


“How do you know my - 


“I trust you had a nice sleep? Wake up feeling a little… Peculiar did we?”


“Well, yeas actua-“


“The reason for this call is to… Inform you. A little over three hours ago, you were injected with a toxin of my own creation. The only way to be cured is with a very… Specific antidote. If you would… Indulge me in a little game, I’d be more than willing to part with it.”


“You - You’re sick”


“Perhaps… Check your pockets, Sean. You’ll see a list of people you are going to have to kill in order to earn my favour and my antidote…”


*Checks pockets, picks out knife and note*

“The knife?!”


“Well, I’d hardly expect you to kill them with your bare hands now would I!”


“And I’m supposed to murder them, in broad daylight? What if I get caught?!”



“I never said it would be easy… Get creative, add a hood and mask or something, I don’t care, just get the job done!”


*Slowly lowering knife*

“And what if I say no?”


“Then you die… Slowly… Painfully… Your choice… You have 36 hours to complete my contract.”

*Hangs up*


*Lifts up knife again and looks at it*

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